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Terms of Service


  1. Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Terms
    Kingdom Group Limited ("KINGDOM"), operating under these Terms of Service, provides the "KINGDOM" service (referred to as "the Service") available at By completing the user registration process on the website or commencing the use of the Service, users affirm that they have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by all the contents of these Terms of Service, including the existing and future service offerings and content. "KINGDOM" reserves the right to modify or change the contents of these Terms of Service at any time, with the modified terms being published on the internet without individual notice to users. It is recommended that users regularly review such modifications or changes. The continued use of the Service after any modifications or changes will be deemed as the user's acceptance of the modified terms. If a user does not agree to the revised or updated terms, or any other provision of these Terms of Service, the user should immediately cease using the Service.

  2. Service Content
    The Service provided by KINGDOM is an online purchase and group shopping service (referred to as "the Service" or "the Product") accessible through the KINGDOM website. Users can make online
    purchases of relevant products through the KINGDOM website.


  1. User Registration Obligations and Responsibilities
    To use the Service, users agree to the following:
    3.1 Provide accurate and up-to-date personal information as prompted on the registration form and not register as a user on behalf of a third party. Each user can only register and log in with one account and must not create duplicate accounts.
    3.2 Ensure that the personal information provided is true, complete, and accurate, and promptly update any changes to the information.
    3.3 If a user provides any incorrect or false information, fails to provide information as instructed, lacks necessary information, or engages in duplicate account registration, KINGDOM has the right to suspend or terminate the user's account without prior notice and refuse the user's use of the Service, either partially or entirely.
    3.4 KINGDOM has absolute discretion to reject any new user's application and terminate any registered user without providing any reasons.
    3.5 Users must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and KINGDOM website policies while using the Service and must not engage in any illegal activities, violate public order, or infringe upon the rights of KINGDOM or any third party.
    3.6 Users are responsible for properly safeguarding their personal accounts and passwords and are liable for all activities conducted through their accounts. If any unauthorized use of their accounts is discovered, users should immediately notify KINGDOM Park.
    3.7 Users are responsible for providing the necessary equipment for internet access, including but not limited to personal computers, mobile devices, and internet connections, and bear the associated costs.


  1. Privacy Policy

Regarding the registration of users and the collection, use, protection, and other matters related to specific data, they shall be handled in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" of KINGDOM and be subject to protection and regulation. For detailed information, please refer to the "Privacy Policy" on the KINGDOM website.


  1. User Account, Password, and Security

After successful registration, users should take proper care of their passwords. It is the user's responsibility to maintain the confidentiality and security of their account and password. Whether the user personally enters the account, password, and login information or if it is entered by others using the correct method, as long as they match the user's account and password, it will be considered as the user's own usage, and the user will be fully responsible for all actions taken with that account and password.

The user agrees to the following:


5.1 In the event of password theft, account misuse, or any other security issues, the user should immediately notify KINGDOM.

5.2 After each use, the user should log out of their account.

5.3 In the event of account and password theft, unauthorized use, or other situations where KINGDOM cannot determine if it is personally used by the user, KINGDOM will not be liable for any damages unless it can be proven that it was caused by KINGDOM's negligence.

5.4 If KINGDOM becomes aware that a user's account and password have been used by someone else, the usage of that account (including any associated transactions) will be immediately suspended.


  1. Changes to Service Content, Newsletter, and EDM Sending

6.1 The user agrees that KINGDOM may independently add, modify, or terminate the items or content of this service based on business needs and actual circumstances, without individual notification to the user.

6.2 The user agrees that KINGDOM may add, modify, or terminate related activities based on practical execution and choose the most suitable method to notify the user.

6.3 Upon joining, it is deemed that you agree that the company may periodically send newsletters or product messages (EDM) through WhatsApp, email, or other registered contact methods. If you do not wish to receive newsletters or product messages (EDM) from the company, please inform the company of your subscription cancellation through the following email address:


  1. Transaction Items

The user agrees to the following:

7.1 When using this service for transactions, the user should follow KINGDOM's provided mechanism for confirming the quantity and price of goods.

7.2 When ordering products using this service, until KINGDOM confirms the completion of the transaction, we reserve the right to not accept or cancel the order. After the user sends an order notification to KINGDOM, the system will automatically send an acceptance notification. However, this notification is not an order confirmation. Whether the transaction is established or not, KINGDOM will inform the user separately by email. If there are errors in the goods or transaction conditions (including but not limited to specifications, descriptions, and images) in the order, KINGDOM can still refuse the order within fourteen working days after placing it.

7.3 If the user wishes to return, cancel an order, or engage in any behavior that KINGDOM deems inappropriate or causing commercial inconvenience or damage after ordering products using this service, KINGDOM reserves the right to refuse such transactions.

7.4 In the process of using the service or placing an order, you need to provide accurate, up-to-date, and complete registration information. If there are any changes to the information you provided, you need to notify us immediately to ensure that we can contact you effectively. If we have reasonable grounds to suspect that the information you provided is untrue, inaccurate, not up-to-date, or incomplete, we have the right to cancel your order or terminate your user account. In this case, you hereby agree not to initiate litigation or claim compensation from KINGDOM.

7.5 When conducting transactions using this service, users have the right to exercise their rights in accordance with consumer protection laws. In case of any doubts regarding these terms and conditions arising from the user's transaction behavior, the interpretation that is favorable to the consumer shall prevail.


  1. Payment
    8.1 "KINGDOM" accepts payment through bank transfers, Visa/MasterCard, Apple Pay, AlipayHK, AlipayCN, WeChat Pay, PayMe, FPS (Faster Payment System), UnionPay, and UnionPay QuickPass. All orders will be settled in Hong Kong dollars.
    8.2 We use third-party payment services for online transactions. When you place an order, you agree and accept that your credit card information will be collected, processed, and retained by the payment service provider, subject to their terms and conditions. You agree and accept that you alone are responsible for any losses incurred or arising from your credit card transactions, and we shall not be liable for any total or partial loss under any circumstances.
    8.3 We do not collect or retain your credit card information. If you choose to store your credit card information for quick checkout, you agree and accept that the data will be encrypted and retained by the third-party payment service provider.
    8.4 In the event that we cancel an order for any reason and you have made a payment, we will refund you via bank transfer.
    8.5 "KINGDOM" reserves the right to change the payment methods for online shopping without prior notice. The products and prices displayed on this website are for reference only and are subject to changes or modifications at the time of actual transaction.


  1. Cancellation Policy
    Orders cannot be canceled, refunded, or modified.


  1. Terms and Conditions for Entry

10.1 Visitors is advised to arrive at the venue 15 minutes in advance. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, your order will be canceled. 

10.2 Each child entering must be accompanied by one adult aged 18 or above (such as a parent or guardian). Children without adult supervision will be denied entry.
10.3 For hygiene and safety reasons, all visitors must wear socks upon entry. Additionally, please do not bring dangerous items, ropes, long necklaces, scarves, sharp objects, food, or drinks into the premises. Eating and carrying pets inside the venue are also prohibited. For drinking water, please visit the reception desk; for eating, please go outside the store. 
10.4 Children aged 1 year or above will be charged standard price, while those aged between 6 months and 1 year will be charged half price (half-price tickets must be purchased at the ticket counter and are not available for online purchase at the moment).
10.5 All visitors must keep the venue clean and exercise caution when using all facilities. Any intentional damage will result in a cleaning fee of HKD 300 and compensation based on the value of the damaged item.
10.6 All visitors are responsible for the safekeeping of their personal belongings and should avoid bringing any valuable items into the premises. The company will not be liable for any loss, theft, or damage to personal property.
10.7 Parents or guardians are fully responsible for supervising their children within the premises. The company will not be liable for any injuries resulting from unsafe behavior or improper use of equipment.
10.8 All visitors must adhere to the usage restrictions of the amusement facilities. The company will not be liable for any accidents or injuries caused by violations of the amusement facility rules.
10.9 The supplier, venue owner, or operator of the amusement facilities shall not be held responsible for any losses, injuries, or accidents resulting from the use of the amusement facilities. Visitors assume all risks and liabilities associated with using the facilities.
10.10 Once a reservation is confirmed, it cannot be changed, canceled, or refunded for personal reasons, unless due to weather conditions, store arrangements, or unforeseen government measures.
10.11 In case of special events or circumstances, the company reserves the right to temporarily change operating hours, close the premises or parts thereof, restrict the number of people allowed to enter, and suspend or cancel any facilities. "KINGDOM" retains the final decision-making authority.

10.12 Car Zone - The game is restricted to children aged 3 to 12. The game is restricted to children with a height between 95cm to 150cm tall. Please do not extend any part of your body outside the electric car. Standing inside the electric car is prohibited. It is mandatory to fasten your seatbelt to ensure safety. If assistance is needed, please seek help from staff and follow their instructions for safety. Please line up in order, and each turn allows for 4 laps. There are a total of 4 cars in this car zone, with a maximum weight capacity of 25kg per car.

10.12a Car Area Safety Guidelines for Vehicle Usage - Correctly fasten the seatbelt, and follow the instructions of the staff. Board the vehicle from the right side and sit properly. Look forward while driving to avoid colliding with other vehicles.

10.12b Important Notes - Do not wear sharp, hard, or items with long ropes or similar objects. No eating or drinking is allowed in the car area. Please follow the instructions of the staff present.  Do not enter or exit the track while vehicles are in motion. Do not start the vehicle by yourself. Do not touch the vehicle's battery. Participants must be in good physical health and free from any health issues that may pose a risk to the racing activity. Parents or guardians must explicitly acknowledge and agree to the entry terms and conditions before allowing the participant to enter the racing area. They also agree that the participant assumes personal responsibility for any potential accidents, injuries, or losses. During the course of the activity, participants are expected to follow all safety guidelines and regulations.

10.13 Slide Rail Zone - The game is restricted to children aged 5 or above. Only one child is allowed to play at a time. Please queue up in order to play. If assistance is needed, seek help from our staff and follow their instructions to ensure safety. During the game, parents or guardians must accompany and take care of their children to ensure safety. During the game, it is necessary to land in the designated sponge pool at the end to prevent accidents. Midway landing is prohibited during the game. It is prohibited to linger at the end point to avoid accidents. Please do not place hands on the track of the slide to avoid accidents. Climbing or going against the direction on the slide track is prohibited. Please do not take the sponges from the slide rail zone.

10.14 Sand Pool Zone - The game is suggested to children aged 3 or above. Please do not take sand or toys out of the designated sand pool zone. Lying down in the sand pool is prohibited to prevent accidents. Parents or guardians must accompany and supervise their children throughout to ensure safety. Please prevent children from putting sand into their mouth, ears, or nose to avoid any potential danger. Splashing sand too high is prohibited to prevent any potential danger. When leaving the sand pool, please clean off any sand from your body at the entrance/exit.

10.15 Trampoline Zone - Only one child is allowed to play on the trampoline at a time. Please do not bringing any sharp objects into the trampoline zone. Please do not lie down or sit on the trampoline. Please do not run, chase, pull or push others on the trampoline. Please do not climb on the rope net of the trampoline. For safety reasons, should jump cautiously and avoid collisions. Parents or guardians must accompany and supervise children throughout the entire time to ensure safety. Please keep personal belongings with you and ensure their proper storage to prevent loss. Please enter the trampoline zone in an orderly manner, following the queue.

10.16  Ball Pool Zone - When throwing the balls, please aim for the walls and floor within the pool. It is prohibited to throw the balls outside of the ball pool. Please do not take the balls or toys out of the ball pool zone. It is strictly forbidden to lie down inside the ball pool to prevent any accidents. Please refrain from lingering in front of the slide to avoid any potential dangers. Carrying any sharp objects into the ball pool zone is prohibited. Parents or guardians must accompany and supervise children throughout the entire time to ensure safety.

10.17 Slide Zone - The game is restricted to children aged 3 years or older. Please do not linger at the end of the slide and walking in the opposite direction is strictly prohibited. Carrying any sharp objects on the slide is prohibited. Sliding head-first is prohibited to prevent accidents. When using the slide, please keep your hands crossed over your chest, semi-reclined, and tilt your head backward. Parents or guardians must accompany and supervise children throughout the entire time to ensure safety. Please queue in order to play.

10.18 Balloon Zone - Lying down is strictly prohibited to prevent accidents. Please do not take balloons out of this zone. Parents or guardians must accompany and supervise children throughout the entire time to ensure safety. Please queue in order to play

10.19 Kitchen Supermarket Zone - Please do not take kitchen and supermarket toys out of this zone. After playing, please return the toys to their original positions. Parents or guardians must accompany and take care of their children throughout to ensure safety. Parents are responsible for supervising and accompanying their children to prevent them from mistakenly eating toys and to avoid any potential dangers. Chasing and running in the kitchen supermarket zone is strictly prohibited.

10.20 Police Station - Please tidy up your police uniforms and accessories before leaving the police station.

10.21 Fire Station - Please tidy up your firemen uniforms and accessories before leaving the fire station.

10.22 Dress-up Zone - After playing, please return the clothing and accessories to their original positions. Do not take makeup tools and clothing accessories out of this zone. Running and chasing are prohibited in this zone. Please queue in order for playing. Parents or guardians must accompany and take care of children throughout the entire duration to ensure safety.

10.23 Balance Slide Rail Zone - The game is restricted to children aged 3 and above. Only one child is allowed to play at a time. Please queue up in order to play. If assistance is needed, please seek help from staff and follow their instructions to ensure safety. Parents or guardians must accompany and take care of their children throughout the game to ensure safety. It is prohibited to linger in the sponge pool to prevent any potential danger.


  1. Service Termination or Interruption
    This service may experience interruptions or malfunctions, which may cause inconvenience, data loss, errors, unauthorized access, or other financial losses in your usage. It is advisable for you to take protective measures when using this service.

"KINGDOM" shall not be liable for any damages incurred by you as a result of using (or being unable to use) this service, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence.


  1. Refusal or Termination of User's Use
    Users agree that "KINGDOM" may, for any reason including but not limited to lack of use or violation of the explicit provisions and spirit of these Terms of Service, terminate the user's password, account (or any part thereof), or use of this service (or any part thereof), or remove and delete any "User Content" within this service. Furthermore, users agree that "KINGDOM" shall not be liable to the user or any third party if the use of this service (or any part thereof) is terminated.


  1. Modification of Terms of Service
    "KINGDOM" reserves the right to modify or change the content of these Terms of Service at any time. The modified terms of service will be published on the website, and "KINGDOM" will not individually notify users. It is recommended that users pay attention to such modifications or changes. By continuing to use this service after any modifications or changes, users are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to accept such modifications or changes. If you do not agree to the above revisions or updates to the terms of service, or do not accept any other provisions of these terms of service, you should immediately cease using this service.


  1. Others
    These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese translation and the English original of these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


  1. Intellectual Property
    "KINGDOM" owns the intellectual property rights to this website and all its contents, including trademarks, logos, product names, and company names. Any unauthorized reproduction or use of any content from this website without prior written authorization is strictly prohibited


  1. Disclaimer
    16.1 The company shall not be liable for any indirect or direct damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by you as a result of relying on or using this website or related information.
    16.2 The supplier of amusement facilities, venue owners, or operators shall not be responsible for any losses, injuries, or accidents resulting from the use of the amusement facilities. Visitors assume all risks and liabilities associated with using the facilities.


17.   If there are any conflicts between the Chinese and English version of Terms of Service, the Chinese version of the Terms of Service shall prevail.